> I designed, built, and deployed an ROV that can be controlled under-ice and collects continuous geochemical data and water samples. I also built a cookstove in Guatemala, a pultrusion machine for sustainable wind turbine blade manufacturing, and the pneumatic design of a vise that can clamp onto anything!
> I now manage multi-million dollar cutting-edge R&D projects in marine renewable energy.
Please feel free to check out my portfolio above!
A little about me and projects I've been working on...
My engineering journey started with my love for drawing. There's something radically human about conceptualizing an idea and bringing it into reality. You can check out my artistic meanderings in my art portfolio! Seeking out creativity and community led me to join my beloved high school robotics team. No matter how wonky our robots were, I felt so fulfilled collaborating and problem solving. I then had the privilege of nurturing this love when I was granted the opportunity to attend MIT.
At MIT, I became involved in a community of students passionate about sustainability. I co-led the annual campus reuse program Trash2Treasure. I later interned at the MIT ESI Rapid Response Group, in which I led a variety of projects interacting with political and community partners to address environmental issues such as organizing this panel for congressional staffers. I published articles on recycling practices at MIT, sustainability at career fairs, and in the built environment! I also helped to kick off the Student Sustainability Coalition (SSC) in 2020, which influenced MIT's 2021 Climate Action Plan.
Since, I have designed/built/tested a water-collection ROV (left), worked at an awesome solar development company, interned at the US Environmental Protection Agency researching nationwide and tribal environmental justice issues, taught about energy in South Africa, and designed machines for more sustainable wind turbine blade manufacturing at the Technical University of Denmark. You can check out my projects in my portfolio!